Visit The Official Page of the stars of “The Curse Of Oak Island”, The Oak Island Tours website
To Book a “Walk The Mystery Tour” on Oak Island, contact The Friends Of Oak Island Society
The Curse Of Oak Island Official Page:
Lee Lamb’s comprehensive book on Oak Island about her family, The Restalls, and the time on Oak Island:
Oak Island Obsession: The Restall Story by Lee Lamb (Robert and Mildred Restall’s Daughter)
The 1972 book by author Rupert Furneaux about Oak Island:
The Money Pit Mystery by Rupert Furneaux
Danny Hennigar’s Oak Island Musueum:
Explore Oak Island Museum at Chester Train Station in Nova Scotia
Facebook Page: Chester Municipal Heritage Society
The Money Pit Mystery by Rupert Furneaux
Explore Oak Island Museum at Chester Train Station in Nova Scotia
Facebook Page: Chester Municipal Heritage Society